Import and deploy

In this part, we will cover how to import the project and make website live.

Import file

  1. First open File manager from cPanel.

  2. Now select public_html folder and select Upload button.

  3. Now upload the file. Points shown in image down below.

    • Now right click on file and click Extract option.

    • Double click digital-hr-file folder and select Select All button.

    • Now click Move button

    • In path, remove current folder name: digital-hr-file.

    • Click Move Files.

  4. After import is successful, right click .env file and select edit button. If you get a popup, you will see edit button again. Click edit button and you will be redirected to edit view.

  5. Now do the changes as shown in image

  6. Select Save Changes button.

Laravel setup

  1. Now search terminal in cPanel.

  2. Now type as follows:

    1. cd public_html

    2. composer install

    3. php artisan migrate

    4. php artisan passport:install

    5. php artisan key:generate

    6. php artisan storage:link

    7. php artisan db:seed

    8. composer dump-autoload

This is all you need to make DigitalHR fully working. Now you can access DigitalHR using

Access admin portal




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