Export day wise csv report or Month Wise Individual Report

Digital HR provides the functionality to generate CSV reports for attendance data, allowing admins to export records for specific days or monthly reports for individual employees. Here's how to utilize this feature effectively:

Exporting Daily Attendance Data

  1. Navigate to Daily Attendance Listing:

    • Go to the Attendance section and access the daily listing for a specific day.

  2. Export CSV Option:

    • Click on the "Export CSV" option available on the daily attendance listing page.

  3. Generate Report:

    • After selecting the export CSV option, Digital HR will generate a CSV report containing the attendance data for the chosen day.

Exporting Monthly Reports for Individual Employees

  1. Access Monthly Report View of Particular Employee:

    • Navigate to the Monthly Attendance Record section and select the desired month.

  2. Export CSV Option:

    • On the monthly report view for the selected employee, locate and click on the "Export CSV" option.

  3. Generate Report:

    • Digital HR will then generate a CSV report containing the monthly attendance data for the selected employee.

Benefits of CSV Reports

  1. Data Accessibility:

    • CSV reports provide easy access to attendance data in a format that is universally compatible and easily readable.

  2. Data Analysis:

    • Admins can use CSV reports to perform in-depth analysis of attendance patterns, trends, and anomalies.

  3. Record Keeping:

    • CSV reports serve as a reliable record of attendance information, facilitating record-keeping and compliance requirements.

Last updated