Configuring overtime settings in Digital HR allows you to define how overtime is calculated and managed for your employees. You can set various parameters such as maximum overtime hours, when overtime becomes valid, the rate type, and the overtime rate percentage. Additionally, you can assign these overtime settings to specific employees and activate the status.
Configuring Overtime Settings
Set Title:
Define the title of the overtime rule, such as "Standard Overtime," "Weekend Overtime," or "Holiday Overtime."
Maximum Overtime Hours:
Max Daily Overtime Hour: Set the maximum number of overtime hours an employee can work in a single day.
Max Weekly Overtime Hour: Set the maximum number of overtime hours an employee can work in a week.
Max Monthly Overtime Hour: Set the maximum number of overtime hours an employee can work in a month.
Overtime Valid After ? Hour:
Specify the number of hours an employee must work before overtime starts to accrue. For example, if the regular working hours are 8 hours a day, you might set this to 8 hours.
Rate Type:
Choose the rate type for calculating overtime pay. Options include "Percentage" or "Amount."
Overtime Rate Percent (per hour):
Enter the percentage rate for overtime pay. For example, if the overtime rate is 1.5 times the regular pay, you would enter 150%.
Set Status to Active:
Ensure that the status of the overtime rule is set to "Active" so that it is applied to the selected employees.
Last updated