Salary TDS

Configuring Salary TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is a vital part of payroll management in Digital HR. It ensures that taxes are accurately deducted based on the employee's marital status and annual salary. Here’s how to set up TDS rules:

Setting Up Salary TDS Rules

  1. Select Marital Status:

    • Choose whether the TDS rule applies to married or unmarried employees.

  2. Enter Annual Salary Range:

    • Define the salary range by specifying the "From" and "To" annual salary amounts. This range determines which employees the TDS rule will apply to.

  3. Set Deduction Percentage:

    • Enter the percentage of the salary that needs to be deducted as tax for employees within the specified salary range.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring TDS

  1. Navigate to Salary TDS:

    • Access the Payroll Settings menu within Digital HR.

    • Click on "Salary TDS."

  2. Add New TDS Rule:

    • Click on "Add New TDS Rule."

  3. Select Marital Status:

    • Choose the marital status (Married or Unmarried) to which this TDS rule applies.

  4. Enter Salary Range:

    • In the "Annual Salary From" field, enter the lower limit of the salary range.

    • In the "Annual Salary To" field, enter the upper limit of the salary range.

  5. Set Deduction Percentage:

    • Enter the percentage to be deducted as TDS from employees' salaries within the specified range.

  6. Save the TDS Rule:

    • Click on the "Save" button to create the TDS rule.

Last updated