Configuring undertime settings in Digital HR allows you to define how undertime is managed for your employees. This includes setting various parameters such as the minimum time after which undertime is applied, the penalty type, and the penalty rate per hour. You can also assign these undertime settings to specific employees and activate the status.
Configuring Undertime Settings
Set Title:
Define the title of the undertime rule, such as "Standard Undertime" or "Half-Day Undertime."
Minimum Time After Which Undertime is Applied:
Specify the minimum number of hours an employee must work before undertime starts to accrue. For example, if regular working hours are 8 hours a day, you might set this to less than 8 hours, such as 6 hours.
Penalty Type:
Choose the type of penalty for undertime. The options include "Percentage" or "Amount."
Percentage: Deduction is calculated as a percentage of the hourly rate.
Amount: Deduction is a fixed amount per hour of undertime.
Penalty Rate per Hour:
Enter the penalty rate per hour. If the penalty type is "Percentage," specify the percentage of the hourly rate to be deducted. If the penalty type is "Amount," specify the fixed amount to be deducted per hour of undertime.
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